Friday, December 18, 2009

The Tokyo Tower

The Tokyo Tower was built in 1950’s as a communications tower but also as a symbol of the ascendancy of Japan as one of the biggest global economies. It has a height of 332 meters (1,901 fts) and it overpasses the Eiffel tower by 13 meters. The japanese people are proud that the tower is the tallest self-supporting steel structure in the world and the tallest artificial structure in Japan. It is located in the Minato district in Tokyo, less than 3 km of The Imperial Palace at central Tokyo.

The tower was originally intended for television broadcasts but a few years after its opening, radio antennas were installed. Thanks to its height, the broadcast signal can reach a radius of around 150 km covering the main cities in the Kanto region of Japan, where Tokyo is located.

At the base of the tower you can find several attractions like an aquarium gallery, the Tower Restaurant which is one of the largest one in Tokyo with a capacity of around 400 persons, the Guinness World Record Museum, the Tokyo Tower Wax Museum, so you can expend plenty of time visiting the tower.
You can also use the elevators to take a look of Tokyo’s view from the sky via one of the observatories located in the tower. The first one is located at 145 meters and you can see the ground below you through the windows located in the floor. The second observatory is at 150 meters has a small shrine and the access to elevators to the special observatory room which is at 250 meters and is a small circular enclosed space where you see the main districts of central Tokyo from the sky.

If you ever have the opportunity of visiting Tokyo, seeing the Tokyo Tower is a must to bring home lots of photos of the entire city view from the sky.

Thanks to contributors Wikipedia, Tokyo Tower Information page and Alberto Turiel.


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